For some, it’s extremely difficult to Meditate at home. Some people have told us that the reason for this is that they don’t have access to the guided meditations that they listen to at The Compassion Center. We’ve also heard all kinds of reasons why people can’t Meditate at home. Some of the most common reasons are:
- I rush around in the mornings and just don’t have time.
- I have to be at work on time (a very sound reason).
- Even when I have time in the mornings, I feel so fixated on getting into work that I can’t calm my mind and get into a meditative state.
- When I get home, I’m too tired.
- There’s too much noise in my home.
- The kids won’t leave me alone for a second.
- The dog barks and interrupts my Meditation.
- I don’t have any place in my home that I can call my own.
We’ve even heard from some moms about how their kids are constantly calling out their mom’s name. “Mom, Johnny just poured milk on my head. Mom, Tyler just kicked me. Mom, I’m hungry…”. These poor moms. They told us they even tried to hide in their bathrooms only to hear the knock on the door, “Mom, are you in there…Mom, are you in there…Mom, I know you’re in there.”
So how do you go about starting and building a Meditation program when you can’t Meditate at home? And if you love the guided meditations that we do at The Compassion Center, how do you get this same experience when you’re not at The Compassion Center?
The answer is that you bring Meditation with you!
The Compassion Center records all of its guided meditations. We started to take the “best” of our classes, carefully edited them to remove additional noise and other extraneous things, and created MP3 versions of these Meditation.
We are now offering these Meditations on an MP3 player that you can purchase and use any place and any time. It’s the perfect way to start your day while travelling to work, while on your coffee break, while at lunch, while travelling home, or right before you go to sleep.